
being led

Hey there, we’re Matt & Alia Merrill!

Want to know why we decided to start these Being Led Retreats? Let us tell you!

So many Christians know God has a plan for their life and wants to lead them but they struggle to both discern His will practically and apply it to their life. We believe that God is always at work and always speaking. As the Bible asks in Proverbs 8:1 “Does not wisdom call out, and understanding raise her voice?

We believe that God is always willing to reveal His will to those that are willing to slow down to listen. In our day and age of being busy, trying so hard to find purpose, and maintain that sense of “balance” in hectic lives, we want to help you come before the Lord and learn HIS “yes” for different priorities in your life so that when you say no, you can do so joyfully, gracefully, and with great confidence. In doing so, you can also live out those “YES” priorities from God with no regrets for the things you are saying no to, since you know God is calling you forward for His purposes.

Because of these beliefs, our hearts are to help Christians discern where God is at in their lives so that they can obey, live, and plan in accordance with the revealed will of God. We also desire to serve Christians in better understanding how to be led by God practically so that they can focus their energies on the things that matter most to them and the Lord without second guessing all the time what they should do. Christians ought to live in confidence in the character of God and that is what we aspire to do – to help people connect with God’s greater character and to live in greater peace and confidence. 

We (Matt & Alia) live in Tucson, Arizona and have two beautiful little boys. Matt is a Leadership Coach and Consultant and works with leaders and teams to gain clarity around goals, direction, and purpose. Alia is a Brand Designer who creates brand strategies to help businesses improve their bottom line over at The Legacy Branding Co. We love to hike, take our sweet boys to the park, and sneak away to the beach whenever we have the opportunity. We also are major fans of our espresso maker at home and you can find us on Saturday mornings teaching our toddler how to make Americanos.

Have questions? send them over!

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